Current CCPERBC Certification

The CCPERBC endorses and certifies that a Plastic Surgeon has the necessary skills and abilities to perform a good practice.

Facilities: Clinic or hospital

It is important to make sure and confirm that the surgical site, hospital or clinic is endorsed and certified by COFEPRIS.

Seeks references of their work

We recommend you to ask the Surgeon you are interested in for pictures of his work, to show you successful cases, search the internet and social networks, where you can see his professional practice.

A Board Certified Plastic Surgeon means

  • Safe Surgery.
  • Satisfactory results.
  • Safety in your health and beauty.
  • Honesty and trust.
  • Total accompaniment in your procedure.

Why should I choose a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon?

For all the experience and expertise required to take care of you.

Medical career

With a total duration of 7 to 8 years.


Minimum 2 years of general surgery.


In Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery, with a duration of 4 years.

Surgical experience

At least 6 years of duration.

CCPERBC Examination

For validation of skills and abilities.